
In our terms, nothing is more precious and successful than our Valued Customers’ satisfaction with the products and services provided by us.

Accordingly, we are always learning, researching and extending our activities, continuing development in the era of construction technology in order to find and select the best optimal products and enhance the services, focus on how to improve the staff’s skills at the same time. It makes us to meet the maximum needs of customers in the country as well as neighboring countries.

In addition, we never forget that we have community responsibility in our mind; we have been doing our part to supply the recyclable materials and protect the shared living environment for sustainable development together.

Core values

  • Awareness & Happiness
  • Listening & Understanding
  • Consensus & Cooperation
  • Developing & Sharing We

Antrade Co., Ltd. is established and have held our position in construction market and interior material supplying for over 15 years which is the devotion of Board of Directors.

We have built the core values based on the action guidelines as “Be thoughtful, Get a new higher level”.

Awareness & Happiness: Aware sense of selling and supplying the essential products, selective distribution in quality, less and less having negative impact to living environment and gain the revenue; We always have working ideas that it is not only responsibility but also happiness making our revenue and it is happiness because of making Customers feel satisfied.

Listening & Understanding: Listening to all comments, shares; understanding concerns and expectations of employees, suppliers, partners, customers and market needs in order to overcome limitations; upgrade, improve, promote potentials and strengths accordingly.

Consensus & Cooperation: Action is created by thought and idea, cooperating and do it together in building the company, cultivating healthy culture of competitive working, developing all.

Developing & Sharing: Developing both quality and quantity, connecting and bringing the best benefit to customers as well as employee satisfaction. Accompanying in sharing community responsibility for the living environment, contributing the supply of eco-friendly products first and then social activities as well as bringing happiness to each member.